If you are an existing ZoneTraderPro customer and are upgrading to the BloodHound version, I will send you the files in Skype. This file is a license checker which is installed using the NinjaTrader Control Panel. The second file is a ZIP file containing the BloodHound templates. The link for the BloodHound templates is below.
Download the VIX Files
These files are unzipped into a folder. Then you have to move them to Bloodhound’s NinjaTrader folder, and the location is shown below.
DO NOT try and import them as a vendor assembly.
VIX Templates Chart
You can now create a chart with all 3 VIX symbols and use the new ZoneTraderPro BloodHound VIX Trigger template on it. This is a temporary work around until I can have a custom built indicator ready. There will be a video published shortly for the setup.
In order to setup the chart, you need to
- Open a new chart
- Add 3 new data series.
- Add VIX9D, VIX, and VVIX. You need to add them in this order.
- Set them all to 3 seconds WITH Tick Replay enabled.
- Then add the VixTemplate provided below which will load the divergence indicators onto the chart automatically.
- Next you need to add the BloodHound indicator to the chart and select the VixTrigger